Before I speak I always offer my respects to my Spiritual Master. There are many parts to yoga and most people think of yoga as Hatha Yoga. And certainly this is the most popular aspect of yoga today on this planet, and it is certainly beneficial, this is becoming more and more popular mainstream, but that is just the beginning, not the end. The word yoga...
More2. “Creative” approach
We hear continuously about the precarious condition of the planet. How the planet is struggling and that if we do not change the way we are living and relating to nature etc., that we are going to make it so that human life can not exist here. So the environment is in bad shape. God did not create an environment that was in bad shape. He did not create...
More3. The blind guide the blind
So we are very bright, very brilliant, but the result of all this brilliance is we are destroying nature, we are destroying ourselves, meaning our bodies, our minds you see, not only are we destroying our bodies, but our minds also. The mental condition of the human race today is very very bad. I saw recently that one out of every 13 children in America is...
More4. Why are we in this world?
And the problem is, we are not following the Vedic lifestyle that is prescribed very clearly. When God created the material world, he also included, as part of that creation, the knowledge of how to live here to actually have the best possible chance to have a calm peaceful life in the material world and go back to the spiritual world. That is the whole...
More5. The beginning of understanding spiritual life
We learn from the Vedic teaching that we are not our material bodies. This is very basic, this is the first thing we can learn. Just like when you begin to learn mathematics, the first thing you learn is 1 + 1 = 2, you just do not jump in and start learning calculus, there is a foundation that must be set. First it is addition and subtraction, with the...
More6. Developing interest
So yoga teaching is absolutely necessary. If you do not know it, you are not going to know what to do in life. As I say, as soon as the material world is created, there is this knowledge given, it is always been here, it is not like it is something new. From the moment of creation to the moment of annihilation the knowledge is available. So we can not say...
More7. Harmony in love
So He gives us all that information. So we learn this and then we might decide “ok, I want to do that’, so you can see how it is a progression. Until ultimately I come perfectly in harmony with the will of the Supreme Lord. It might start way back harmonizing more with my body, giving it the right food, not putting junk inside it, exercising properly,...
More8. Light heart
The one activity that I can as an individual choose to do that will bring me in the most harmony with God and His children is chanting the Holy Names, chanting God’s names. There is no other activity that is superior to this. This is declared by God Himself. He has said ‘this is what I want you to do. If you only do one thing that I ask you to do, do...