So, a very interesting topic tonight – “A secret to better relationship.” I think this is something that we can all dwell upon on and improve upon. So before I begin I always offer my respects to my spiritual teachers. The knowledge that I have received from them has definitely assisted me in my life which automatically includes many...
More2. What is true spiritual journey? ( VIDEO, ENGLISH ONLY)
All the information that I present comes from the Vedic scriptures. The Vedas are very ancient scriptures and they were written down five thousand years ago. “Veda” actually means “knowledge” or “truth.” So this knowledge itself is eternal and therefore prior to being written down it was passed down orally from one perfect...
More3. Who am I? ( VIDEO, ENGLISH ONLY)
Who am I? And that is the next part. You learned it last night if you were here, I say this continuously, because that is the foundation of truth. If we do not know who we are what do we know. And basically almost nobody knows. We speculate. We think, we have an opinion, we have our feelings, we have and experience of who we are. And almost always it is...
More4. We cannot be happy without love ( VIDEO, ENGLISH ONLY)
And as a spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul we have all the natural qualities of the Supreme Soul. Like a chip from the diamond has all the qualities of the diamond but they are in minor quantity. The qualities are there but they are infinitesimal. So we have all these qualities but in minor quantities. So they appear, they manifest in our...
More5. A path of failure ( VIDEO, ENGLISH ONLY)
And that is a really, really popular philosophy today. Back to the idea I was speaking a little bit earlier. We are all God, right? This is what “the yogis” tell us. Hey, they came from India, man, they know everything. It is going to be the truth. The guy is from India, he has got long bear, white hair, you know, wears robes too, he has got an ashram,...