Posted by on Jan 23, 2014 in FULL ADVANTAGE OF VEGETARIANISM | 0 comments


Then you add the mantras and all of this bhakti yoga practice, and you are just rising like a hot air balloon – it’s a beautiful thing.

Now, what about this karma even from the vegetables? Remember, you still got to kill the carrot, cut the head off the cabbage? What about that? Really, there is karma when you eat, no matter what.

But again the dear Supreme Lord has given us a solution. He says, “All that you do, all that you eat, all that you give away in charity, as well as all offerings and sacrifices that you perform, do it as an offering onto Me.”

He says, “If you offer Me with love and devotion a leaf, a fruit, a flower, a little water…” which means vegetarian food stuffs: no meat, no fish, no eggs. “If you offer Me with love and devotion a leaf, a fruit, a flower, a little water, I will accept it.” When He accepts our offering, all karma is removed; there is no karma now.

But not only that. When He accepts our offering, He injects that with spiritual potency. Now this food is not only karma free, but it’s full with spiritual power. I eat that food and I get spiritually purified, I make spiritual advancement by eating.



So our tongue, our eating can take us to hell or take us to the Lord. We have to eat anyway. And either I will go down because of the karma or I will go up because of the spiritual purification – the science of life, the science of bhakti yoga.

If you know how to live your life, it can become absolutely perfect. We don’t know how to live our life and we just make a big mess of everything.

So that’s why we follow this process, this teaching. It’s complete in every way, available to everybody, not just to a few people who joined some group. No, this is universal truth. You can do it and we will help you do it. We have been helped to do it. I didn’t know these things when I was born – I learned it. I did all the things you’re not supposed to do, and then I learned there is a better way to live, there is another life choice, and it makes a huge difference.

So that’s the general idea. If you incorporate these ideas into your life, then you are following God’s arrangement, you are following His teachings – you are not in contradiction. Now you are in harmony instead of chaos.

And along the way you can control your senses more. Oftentimes we eat too much. Even if you eat the right foods and you are a vegetarian, but you eat too much – the body is stressed again. It’s all good food, but it’s too much of it, the body is thinking, “What am I going to do with this?” The stomach is working, intestines are working. But there is a special thing about this alkaline diet: you eat enough and that’s enough.

You stay away from the sugar. Sugar is the worst enemy: destroys our immune system, makes it so we are overeating. It’s poison – there is nothing good about the sugar. You say, “Oh, but I will need it, I have to have my sugar, my sweets. I cannot give it up!” When you go on this alkalizing diet, your taste changes and you don’t even want it. If you do, it’s like, “Ok, it would be nice.” No problem. You eat a little bit – that’s enough, don’t even need that at all. Don’t think you can’t do anything! Things change in your life and you can do it!

So, again, these are the general ideas.