So, we’re all looking for love. Why not look in the right place, give up looking in the wrong place? Then we will find it. Because the Supreme Lord loves us all unconditionally, eternally. See, He already loves us, no matter what we do. We turn our back on Him, we declare He doesn’t exist, we do whatever sinful things we do, but He still loves us. You can’t make it so He doesn’t.
Again, the material world is so different in that. In this world, love is so conditional, “I will love you if… (you do this, this, this).” Even now some marriages come with contracts. Each person writes their part of the contract and then they sign it. If one of them breaks the contract, they take it to court, “Look!” That’s not love. That’s lust. That’s business. That’s crazy.
So, the Supreme Lord loves us unconditionally. We can’t say this about love in this world. We’re always in anxiety in this world of “love”. The first anxiety is: I won’t find anybody to love. Then we do find somebody. The next anxiety is: I might lose them, they might go to somebody else. And then the third anxiety: they went to somebody or they died, I lost them somehow. So, before, during and after, there’s anxiety.
Spiritual love is none of that. The Lord doesn’t fall out of love with us. We don’t get a letter from Him saying, “I’m sorry, but I don’t love you anymore. I’ve found a new one.” That doesn’t happen.
In this world if we have somebody, we don’t even want to introduce them to our friends, somebody might steal them. You take them to a party and everybody’s trying to grab them:
-Oh, would you like to dance?
-Hey, that’s mine!
-No, come on!
And she goes, “Yes, ok.” So, she is dancing with this other guy, and you’re sitting there and you’re so envious, so angry. All kinds of quarrels over those things. You can’t even look at somebody else:
-I saw you looking at him!
-I saw how you looked at that girl when she came in!
So much anxiety.
But with the Supreme Lord, whose love is unlimited, you want to introduce to everybody.. And not like, “Hey, look who I got! Look at mine! Look who’s on my arm!” No, you say, “This is who I love and I want you to love Him, too.” And you just go and tell everybody, “Hey, love Him and tell your friends also! Everybody, come on!” How different a world is that! It’s amazing. And you, all alone before, are now finding true happiness which is ever increasing. So, these are the truths of love.
I know a lot of people come to a lecture with this title thinking I’m going to be speaking about romance and how to find the perfect one, how to get the most ecstasy. But I’m trying to tell you how to find TRUE love. And this one thing that we want… let’s say like this: there’s one thing that we and the Supreme Lord agree on. If nothing else, we all agree on this one thing: He wants us to be happy and we want to be happy, so we’re on the same page. The Lord and I are now on the same page: I want to be happy and He wants me to be happy.
And He tells us how to achieve that. You don’t just wake up one morning and there it is. Because the heart is impure, very contaminated. You have to cleanse the heart, get rid of the illusions, overcome lust with love. That means we have to have a lifestyle that actually produces this result. See, it’s not cheap sentiment I’m talking about. This is the real thing. It comes from a pure heart.