Posted by on Aug 11, 2015 in The Yoga of relationship | 0 comments

Question: If I chant meditations every day can I come back to God?

Answer: If you do it with sincerity, yes. You see, we have to… It is not mechanical. We like things to be mechanical. I don’t have to do anything but just mechanically say these mantras.

But think just again in terms of relationships. Say, there is a husband and wife relationship. And if the wife decides, “Ok, if I mechanically wash the dishes, wash the clothes, clean the house, take care of the kids, satisfy the sexual desires of my husband, will he be loved?” And the answer is ‘No’. Mechanical relationships are not a solution. But if there is love and devotion incorporated in the dishwashing, the cleaning, the clothes, the kids, then it is completely different.

So that is how we must understand spiritual life. This is about relationship, this is not about mechanical function.