In Part One of this insightful series on the important subject of Happiness, Balakhilya das examines the important question of identity from the authority of Vedic...
More2. The nature of the soul is to be happy (video)
We learn that the soul by nature has many inherent characteristics. An inherent characteristics is a characteristic that’s always present. An inherent characteristic of water is wetness. Water is always wet, whether comes from the river, from the sky, from the tap, does not matter. Water is wet. We cannot separate wetness from water...
More3. Discover happiness beyond negation of the negative (video)
What we’re trying to do to achieve happiness is somehow overcome all these negatives, negation of the negative. All the negative things that usually make us unhappy they didn’t happen today. They’ll happen tomorrow but today everything is good. So what we consider happiness is just really not positive happiness but negation of the...
More4. The power of transcendental sound (video)
Sound is an incredibly powerful energy with the power to affect us. For example, the sounds of an angry person, the cursing, the shouting; instill us with fear, make us so destroyed inside mentally and even physically. On the other hand, beautiful, melodious sounds of nature are so soothing, so nice. The sound of water running over the rocks, birds...
More5. We need spiritual happiness (video)
You, the spirit soul need spiritual happiness, spiritual nourishment. Learn how to find this spiritual happiness through transcendental...
More6. Learn Gauranga mantra meditation (video)
Learn a simple yet very powerful mantra meditation with Balakhilya das using the transcendentally beautiful “Gauranga” mantra. Practice along with Balakhilya das and find peace and happiness in the practice of...
More7. Smiling on the inside (video)
You, the spirit soul, need to be happy. You need it. It’s part of your eternal nature and when you bring this transcendental sound into your life, then more and more you will experience a completely different type of happiness on a completely different level. You are satisfied. You are happy. You are smiling...