Posted by vladimir.sevastyanov on Jan 6, 2012 in No category | 0 comments
More9. Spirit – soul (video)
Question: What is relation between soul and spirit? Answer: The soul is spirit. There is two energies: material energy spiritual energy The body, the mind, the material creation etc., etc. – material energy. And then is the soul which is spiritual energy. So all souls are spiritual energy. But individual parts, sparks. If you’ll...
MoreReincarnation (VIDEO, IN ENGLISH ONLY)
All right, so thank you very much for coming, we are happy to see so many people interested in our subject of reincarnation. So we are going to begin with a little meditation. This is part of the yoga teachings. And there are many yoga systems, but in all different yoga teachings, systems, paths meditation is one of the main...
MoreRetreat in Kamchatka, 2009
Retreat in Voronezh, spring 2010
In May 2010 the Yoga seminar was held in the suburb of Voronezh. A charming place on the banks of the river, clean air, quiet atmosphere, a group of like-minded people… All this contributed to a full experience of spiritual practices. The seminar offered everybody a precious opportunity to meet with Balakhilya das. He is an experienced teacher and...