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17. At what age should a child be turned vegetarian? From birth?

17. At what age should a child be turned vegetarian? From birth?

Posted by on Dec 13, 2013 in Questions and answers. The Vedas and vegetarianism | 0 comments

Question: At what age should a child be turned vegetarian? From birth? Answer: In the womb. Really. If the mother is a vegetarian, the child is a vegetarian in the womb. And, again, this is the design. Of course, when they are born, they are vegetarians from that moment till they leave their body. I know many, many children who were in this situation. And...

18.  Is it good for a person to fast at least once a week?

18. Is it good for a person to fast at least once a week?

Posted by on Dec 13, 2013 in Questions and answers. The Vedas and vegetarianism | 0 comments

Question: Is it good for a person to fast at least once a week? Answer: It can be very useful. But for some people, because of their bodily constitution, it’s not really that good for them. For the other people, because of their constitution, it’s almost necessary for them in order to have the optimal health. But if you want to say generally, it’s a...



Posted by on Dec 21, 2013 in SPIRITUAL ASPECT OF EATING | 0 comments

So now I am going to speak just briefly about the most important of all the aspects of eating. That is the spiritual aspect. We spend all our attention on our material life, and indeed it is important, but nothing in comparison to our spiritual life which we neglect almost exclusively. So in relation to food, no matter if you are vegetarian, you still will...



Posted by on Dec 21, 2013 in SPIRITUAL ASPECT OF EATING | 0 comments

So now you are a vegetarian, and you have greatly reduced your karma. But still the vegetarian food is filled with karmic reaction also because killing is still involved. And most people would just come to a dead end, “Oh, what do I do now? I have to eat. I eat, I create karma, and this karma keeps me on the wheel of birth and death. And I still have to...

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