You see, we learn in the Vedic scriptures many, many details about life. And also in other scriptures it mentioned these things. We learn from the Vedas: number one, we are spirit soul. We have just learnt that now. It is Vedic revelation: we are not this material body, we are spirit soul. We also learn that we are really not from this world. There are two...
More5. The law of Karma
And then there is the law of karma. That is the law we gonna be mentioning tonight. The law of karma is an all-incomposing law, we cannot escape it. People do not know about it, perhaps, “I do not believe in karma. I do not know about karma. Therefore, it does not affect me.” It affects us. What is this law of karma? Actually, it mentioned not...
More5. The goal of humanity
So, what to do about all this? There are two things. Number one, learn about the law of karma and the other laws of material nature; learn what we should do with our human form of life. Sometimes people ask, “I wonder why I was born, I wonder if there was some purpose for this. May be I was supposed to do this or I was supposed to do that.” A person may...
More6. How to not create karma
Can I change my destiny? It seems like everything is already programmed. Do not forget we are creating our future destiny right now. We are programmers. In the world today we have the whole computer movement. Many people want to be programmers. We are all programmers already: we are programming our future right now. Is there any way to change this sequence...
More7. How to learn to chant mantra for long
We are fortunate to have the expert guidance of the perfect Bhakti yoga masters who are guiding us in this practice of mantra meditation. So, we learn what the idea is, why we are chanting. Some people are using the mantras as some means to get some material rewards, “I want this, I want that, I want happiness.” In other words, we are using them...