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6. A vegetarian eats meat again. What are the consequences?

6. A vegetarian eats meat again. What are the consequences?

Posted by on Feb 21, 2016 in Milk and dairy products, mother-cow | 0 comments

Question: If a vegetarian did not eat meat for a long time, one or two years and then he began eating it again. What will be the consequences? Answer: Well, karmically he will increase his karma again to where it was before he became a vegetarian. It will put him back in a heavy karma position. He may experience some actual physical problems until he gets...

3. Discover happiness beyond negation of the negative (video)

3. Discover happiness beyond negation of the negative (video)

Posted by on Jul 26, 2016 in Discover happiness (video) | 0 comments

What we’re trying to do to achieve happiness is somehow overcome all these negatives, negation of the negative. All the negative things that usually make us unhappy they didn’t happen today. They’ll happen tomorrow but today everything is good. So what we consider happiness is just really not positive happiness but negation of the...

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