What does the word ‘yoga’ mean? It means ‘to link’, ‘united with’, or linked up with.’ The different paths of yoga are specifically designed to bring about a union or a linking, a coming together between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul. The perfect yogi is a perfect person who is perfectly linked, united with, connected with The...
More5. Amnesia
You see, when the soul comes into the material world it becomes covered by different layers of material energy, it’s described in the Vedas. The first layer of material energy that covers the spirit soul is called the layer of false ego. If you’ve studied any yoga teachings, read any yoga books or esoteric books, etc., you will probably have...
More6. Finite Source – Eternal Need
Yoga: the path to inner perfection. What is inner perfection? Everybody knows that perfection of life is the perfection of happiness, right, who can deny that? Everybody wants to be happy. Why does everybody want to be happy, because it’s the nature of the soul. The soul has many inherent characteristics, characteristics that can never be separated...
More7. What Is Missing?
It becomes more and more frustrating, the more ardently we play the game. The more determined I am to play this happiness game in life, the more frustrated I become. That is why the people who have the most money, which means the most facility to enjoy the senses in the biggest ways, are the most depressed, the most unhappy, the most dissatisfied. It is...
More8. Real Problems of Life and the Solution
Birth Yes, we’ve come up with all our man-made solutions to the problems of life, but they don’t work. We don’t even know what the real problems of life are. The yoga teachings say the real problems of life are birth, disease, old age and death. These are the real problems of life. Now who sees birth as a problem? Most...