Posted by on May 8, 2014 in Karma | 0 comments

Question: Why do some people give up after repeating the mantra a little and others can repeat it for hours? How can I learn to repeat the mantras for a long time and enjoy it?

Answer: We are fortunate to have the expert guidance of the perfect Bhakti yoga masters who are guiding us in this practice of mantra meditation. So we learn what the idea is, why we are chanting. Some people are using the mantras as some means to get some material rewards, “I want this, I want that, I want happiness…” In other words, we are using them to satisfy our desires. The mantras are purifying anyway. This is not a bad thing, although it is not the highest level of understanding.

But gradually one can evolve toward having the consciousness, “I am doing this for God’s pleasure.” It is not about me, it is about the pleasure of God. As my consciousness evolves in this way, then the taste, the sweetness evolves as well. And the sweeter the taste, the greater is the desire to taste that taste.