Posted by on May 20, 2014 in ILLUSION OF LIFE | 0 comments

So we’ve done these meditations now for three nights in a row. So we should be very familiar now with the whole process. So now let’s get more relaxed and more focused, and let the mantras do their work. See, we don’t do the work. The mantras do the work. Our part is to bring them and allow them to do it.

So first is our GAURANGA NITAI-GAUR breathing meditation.

Remember we want to sit straight, breath very slowly, gently and deeply, totally relaxing the face, shoulders, neck and focusing on the sound. So again follow my guidance and when we finish sit quietly for a few moments.

Everybody take a big breath, let it out and relax. Now very slowly gently and deeply inhale and chant GAURANGA in the mind.